Customer Responsibilities


You have the Responsibility to…

Be actively involved in Support Services.
You can do this by receiving planned services, and/or staying in touch with your Personal Agent by phone or in-person. You must have regular with your PA to remain enrolled in services. This includes meeting annually to sign your plan.

Direct the creation of your plan.
Your PA will help you and give you information about alternatives but you must be the one who decides what you need, what you want and what your goals are.

Understand the limits of the plan.
You plan cannot pay for everything you may want. It is important that you tell your PA if you are confused or if you have questions. Keep asking questions, and your PA will help you learn the abilities and limitations of your plan.

Choose and supervise the people who work for you.
They are your providers, working with you to meet your needs and goals. They should be the people you want. Your Personal Agent has information and tools to help you with this.

Participate in making written agreements with your support providers.
These can be service agreements and/or job descriptions. If you are an employer, it is important to have a job description that formalizes the employment and establishes general expectations and policies. These documents help everyone make sure that your needs are met. Your Personal Agent can help you with this or you can access a special program known as Employer Resource Connections (formerly STEPS).

Inform your Personal Agent and provider of any special needs you may have.
If you have an medical or other serious risk, those supporting you need to know. This is for your safety and theirs. Your PA will work with you and your providers to create plans (protocols) to help ensure everyone knows what to do if something does happen.

Approve time sheets and invoices for people who work for you.
As the person receiving supports, you much approve payment to your providers. When you sign, you are saying that you agree that you received the support on that date and time written on the timesheet. It is important to have a way to record your providers work hours each time they support you. This helps your PA monitor that you are getting the support you need.

Be aware of the funding in your plan and to make sure it is used properly.
Funds can be used only as approved in the plan. The state defines the services that are available and all expenses must meet the requirements established. This includes that all plan dollars must be used as a “social benefit.”

Ask your Personal Agent to make changes to your plan.
You plan should change with you. If you find different ways to get your needs met, new needs develop, or you gain skills and want to learn new things, your plan can be changed to continue meeting your goals. Until you have worked with your PA to make changes in the plan, you must follow the plan as it is written.

To let us know if you are unhappy with your services.
You are our customer, and we really want to help you meet your goals. If you are unhappy with your plan or our services, please let us know as soon as possible.